Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Roatan - December

December 21, 2008

We just got back from another visit to the children’s home. Usually we do some painting or other project while there, but this time we had nothing on our agenda. We always fill up the back bed of a pick-up with groceries every time we go, and we were particularly glad we could do it this time as we found the cupboards almost completely bare. Apparently it’s harder for them during the slow season. With less tourist traffic, they get less donations. During high season when more cruise ships come in, a lot more people stop by and help out with food, etc. The pastor said they always make ends meet as there is always a hotel or grocery store who helps out, but it was alarming to see just how bare the pantry and freezer were.

We’ve been there enough times now that the kids know us and seemed genuinely happy to see us. We really want to focus on the long-term aspect of building relationships with these children and let them know how special they are.

We visited briefly on business with the pastor then spent some good quality time with the kids. David played several games of soccer while I visited with some of the girls. I have developed a real heart for the older girl, Deysi, who is 13 and at such a vulnerable age.

I brought several Dr. Seuss books with me on this trip to read to the children. Once I began, they swarmed us! I knew they didn’t understand everything I was reading from “Green Eggs and Ham”, but they loved the sound of someone’s voice reading to them. Half-way through the book I could stop short of finishing a sentence and they yelled out the final words. “I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them…” “Sam I am!” they would all say!

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