Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Roatan - February

February 24, 2009

We are excited to report that we are in communication with Pastor Glen about approving a sponsorship program for the children! Through ALF we will seek to sponsor the 25 children at the home out to individuals or small groups who have a heart, passion – and commitment – for the well-being of these children. I have received approval from the pastor and have asked a young woman on the island who was raised in the home to help us by getting bios on each of the children. We will combine the bios along with individual photos and start finding involved and committed sponsors.

Pastor Glen has also agreed to let this young woman work with the kids once they do get sponsored, to help them write their sponsors on a regular basis, and to help translate letters to them as they come in. We are excited to have her help us, and who better to have a heart and passion for these children than one who benefitted from the very love and care that was given her in the same home for so many years.

Woodville - email from Scott Yosko

February 9, 2009

Here is an excerpt of an email from Scott Yosko, Police Chief of Woodville and Life Center Committee Member:

“On a side note, I don’t think either one of us are aware yet of the magnitude of change that you two have initiated in Woodville. I believe that the LIFE Center may only be the match that lights the torch. The County is really getting excited about the green aspect that Kimberly is promoting, especially for the new Justice Center. All in all, Woodville has the potential to move to the forefront of tech…and all by working together toward common goals! Economic development possibilities become enormous too. Maybe some of our kids will stay here to raise the next generation when it is all said and done. It is what we have prayed for.”

Thanks again!


Roatan - January

January 20, 2009

Over the past couple of months several friends and Discovery alumni have gone to Roatán and spent some time with the children. One group included a professional artist who spent a day giving the kids art classes. She did face painting and let the kids decorate and keep their own hat and t-shirt. They had a ball! Also two other friends, Shawn and Bill, spent 4 days working on the children’s home painting, cleaning and doing repairs. Bill even bought a power washer and took it with him on the airplane! (Not sure how!) They said all the kids were a great help. They power-blasted, scraped and painted the entry way. They removed the screen netting off the front of the house which was so thick with dirt you could barely see through it, but was like new when they put it back. They had a lot of special time with the kids and made some special connections. Everyone who has gone has said they can't wait to return!

Roatan - December

December 21, 2008

We just got back from another visit to the children’s home. Usually we do some painting or other project while there, but this time we had nothing on our agenda. We always fill up the back bed of a pick-up with groceries every time we go, and we were particularly glad we could do it this time as we found the cupboards almost completely bare. Apparently it’s harder for them during the slow season. With less tourist traffic, they get less donations. During high season when more cruise ships come in, a lot more people stop by and help out with food, etc. The pastor said they always make ends meet as there is always a hotel or grocery store who helps out, but it was alarming to see just how bare the pantry and freezer were.

We’ve been there enough times now that the kids know us and seemed genuinely happy to see us. We really want to focus on the long-term aspect of building relationships with these children and let them know how special they are.

We visited briefly on business with the pastor then spent some good quality time with the kids. David played several games of soccer while I visited with some of the girls. I have developed a real heart for the older girl, Deysi, who is 13 and at such a vulnerable age.

I brought several Dr. Seuss books with me on this trip to read to the children. Once I began, they swarmed us! I knew they didn’t understand everything I was reading from “Green Eggs and Ham”, but they loved the sound of someone’s voice reading to them. Half-way through the book I could stop short of finishing a sentence and they yelled out the final words. “I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them…” “Sam I am!” they would all say!

Woodville - City Council Meeting

November 27, 2008

We were invited to be present at a city council meeting that was being held with the mayor of Woodville, council members, and the committee members for the LIFE Center project.
The meeting went well and although there was evidence of wanting to be cautious, everyone seemed to be excited at the idea. The biggest concern seems to still be knowing whether the town of Woodville will be able to financially maintain something of the size and scope that is being considered. It has always been one of our criteria that the building have a good business plan and make good business sense. The next step to move forward is getting a professional company to do a feasibility and demographics study determining what the community could realistically support. It was decided that Dianne Bass pursue this through her community foundation.