And although WE weren't with David, don't think he was there all alone! He had long-time friend, Philip with him, and new to the scene was Chance Gilbert, a fairly recent alumni of the Discovery program, out living his mission and seeing what direction it might take.
Here are the guys, along with locals to St. Helene, Lindon and Whetsel, attaching a gutter to the roof of the new school. It was extremely hot and humid and a long, tiring job... but worth it in the end! Eventually, these gutters will funnel rain water over to a cistern to be gathered and used.
Here, Lindon is showing us the vegetables the kids in school are growing from the starter kit given to them by friend, Kathy Wells Strand, on her last visit to the island. They have transferred them from the starter pots to the ground and are doing well despite the struggle with insects. The kids were so excited to see something grow that they planted! They had never experienced that before! Hopefully it will spark a new interest in gardening as they desperately need fresh fruit and vegetables.
When the school was dedicated in February, we gave them 3 plaques. It was finally time to hang them on the wall:
1. A list of major contributors to the project
2. The commitment from the community to keep their land clear of trash
3. Two inspiring quotes from Booker T. Washington
Kevin and David.
The trim still needs painted along the bottom of the walls, but see that blank row of blocks just above the windows? That's where your name could be painted - to be a part of the school for all time - for a minimum $100 donation to our St. Helene project. We will continue to sell them until the entire row is sold.