Another busy and productive trip to Roatan. The main emphasis of this trip was to get the school started in St. Helene. The temporary school has taken a beating with recent storms and the blue tarps that serve as ‘walls’ are shredded. We had hoped to actually transport materials to the island before leaving, but the roof and windows were still on order. We had a nice visit in St. Helene in preparation of the shipment and were thrilled to see the effort being made to clean up the community. Looking good!!
Because the shipment was not made to St. Helene before the end of this trip, David will be making an additional trip down to oversee the transport. Oh, David and Kevin were also able to lineup a General Contractor and 2 lead workers from Roatan to oversee the construction while we’re not there, and we will be hiring up to 8 men from St. Helene’s north-side community itself to provide the rest of the manual labor needed. Among other things, Lindon has been trying to get the plans approved through the municipality, which is another must before construction begins. Together we are all making it happen!
In the meantime, we have started a fund-raiser to help pay for the building called: “Put a Block on the S.H.E.L.F.!” (St. Helene Education and Litter-Free project). For a $100 tax-deductible donation, the children from the school in St. Helene will paint a cinder block with your name on it as a permanent part of the school and a reminder to them of all the people who value them and want them to receive a good education. Check out the Roatan section in the main website for details of how you can help!